Word For Mac Exc Bad Access

I have the same problem. Word 2011 with latest update and mac osx mountain lion also updated completly crash. They crash, when trying to close files or trying to close the program. However all saves are made uns no info is lost. Word reports a plug in problem obviously related to the cite while you. Massive EXCBADACCESS crashes My brand new 11.6' Mac Book Air is giving these exceptions left and right. It started after I loaded steam to see if Civ5 would play (I know it is below minimum specs but that has never stopped me ) I know I didn't load any Apple updates since it last worked but I could have updated other software and just don't.

Word for mac exc bad access sigsegv


I am developing an app (in XCode Version 11.2 and Swift 4.2) in which I fill in a LinkedList and after working with it, removing the elements that compose it produces the Thread 1 error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code = 2, address = 0x16d0f3ff0). The error occurs even without working with the items in the list, simply by adding them and trying to eliminate them the error already occurs. The tests I am doing with an iPhone with IOS version 11.4.1

The method that eliminates the elements of the LinkedList is removeAll.

The error occurs in the first line:

Word For Mac Exc Bad Access

the definition of the variables 'head', 'tail', 'count':

And the type Node<T>:

Word for mac exc bad access code

With the debugger I see that the error occurs when assigning the value nil to self.head (in removeAll()). Just before self.head has correct values, it becomes nil and the error is skipped before reaching the next instruction.

Word For Mac Exc Bad Access Sigsegv

In the Debug Navigator, in the stackTrace the last 2 functions where the error is seen:

Word For Mac Exc Bad Access Code

Does someone have idea how to resolve it?
